Tuesday 21 April 2009

The Model Gut

The IFR Model Gut is a “state of the art” in-vitro system that simulates human digestion for the first time from a true physiological perspective. It is the only model developed to combine emerging knowledge of the physical, mechanical, and biochemical environments experienced during digestion.

The model is built on a modular design and includes a simulation of the main body of the stomach, a region with a specific inhomogeneous mixing behaviour, followed by a unique emptying routine. Digesta from the main body of the stomach ‘empties’ into a model of the antrum (the lower part of the stomach). Here the digesta is subjected to high shear, forcing mechanical breakdown of the food structure. The final stage of the model is designed to simulate the conditions found in the duodenum (the first section of the small intestines).

IFR model digestive system innovations are:

  • Able to process both real foods and pharmaceutical preparations under conditions based on current knowledge of human digestion
  • Access for sampling digesta at all stages allowing real time collection at any point during digestion
  • Modular design and construction of the technology provides the opportunity of easy adaptation of The Model for specific customer needs
  • Integration of gastro-intestinal mixing dynamics, hydration patterns, breakdown forces & diffusion profiles all validated against measured in vivo human data
  • Physiologically relevant additions of digestive enzymes, acid, bicarbonate, phospholipids and bile
  • Computer control by state-of-the-art software which includes monitoring of all parts of The Model in real time

The IFR model Gut offers a physiologically relevant screening tool that will provide valuable data for evaluating novel and existing foodstuffs, diets and pharmaceutical preparations. The Model provides an accurate and meaningful method for predicting the fate of compounds, nutrients and formulae prior to absorption and therefore will become an invaluable tool for mechanistic, stability and bioaccessability studies during product development in the following fields:

  • Food safety
  • Oral drug development
  • Novel, functional & specialist food characterisation
  • Screening of active components
  • Food structure studies
For More information visit the Institue for Food Research

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